About Us

Children learn best when they are directly involved in activities that engage them completely. In order to do that, we must make a shift away from traditional teaching methods and experiment with new manners in which we share information with our students. The best learning comes from an environment which employs all of the five senses and, quite frankly, does not look or feel like the “school” they are used to. This year students will be utilizing technology and documenting their journey in a new way that will take some creativity and experimentation that will promote growth and engagement in our community while developing their Jewish identity and deepening their connection to Judaism.

B’Nai Mitzvah Institute- Kitah Vav (6th) grade will be the first class to experience this exciting program that will meet five times over the course of the year. We will dive into what it means to become a Bar/Bar Mitzvah and discuss everything that goes into the meaningful process. This experience will create a cohort and offer a community for families traveling the same path together.

Kitah Zayin- The year is going to be much different for our Kitah Zayin (7th grade) class as we will be planning a number of field trips, social action projects and mitzvah moments to enhance their last year in religious school. They will get to participate in a number of meaningful experiences separate from the rest of the school as well as beginning to act as leaders for the younger religious school students.

Abraham Ratner Torah School welcomes children in grades K-7. For further information please call 619 697-6001 or e-mail Michelle Barbour at tsdirector@tiferethisrael.com.